Welcome back to the next episode of 'Laya Lahari'.
This week Suri concludes the discussion on 'Tani Avarthanam' and addresses the most eagerly awaited aspect in 'Tani', which is the ending of the 'Tani' and starting of the kriti.
We have been receiving several rasika requests asking us to take up this discussion and we are glad to do it this week. The timing of the discussion is perfect with music season just round the corner :) Rasikas can immediately test their grasp of the 'Tani Avarthanam' in the concerts they attend.
We would like to announce that we conclude our 'Laya Lahiri' series with this episode. We hope that these discussions have helped you in enriching your knowledge with respect to appreciating the percussion instruments in Carnatic music concerts.
Rasikas who are interested in systematic learning can approach Suri. Sure conducts classes through skype as well, please do reach out through email at the following address - thillai.suri@gmail.com. Raga Surabhi Team thanks Shri Thillaisthanam R. Suriyanarayanan for doing the Laya Lahiri series with us. Thanks to all rasikas for their support, encouragement and feedback.
Listen to Suri by clicking the 'Tani Avarthanam - Part -III' link