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Blog : Week 758 updates

Dear Rasikas,

Hope all of you are doing well! As 'International Women's Day' is around the corner, I thought it will be nice to revisit the songs posted for this occasion in Raga Surabhi during the previous years. Those songs are very special to me since it involved a lot of collaborative effort. Please do revisit them and feel free to use them during the women's day celebrations that you will have in your organisations.

The new age woman according to Mahakavi Bharathi is truly egalitarian, free spirited, independent and a fully evolved human being. Raising a toast to all the women who have achieved greatness in their own right, whether as mothers, sisters, career professionals, friends or just good human beings!

Keep your quiz answers coming ad have a great week ahead!

Uma Ram
Raga Surabhi

This week's update features the following::

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